TRANSCRIPTS - What You Need to Know
One of the benefits of membership in Fallston Christian School is our preparation and delivery of professional, accurate, and clear transcripts. College surveys have indicated that homeschool transcripts are often ill-prepared; credits are not given correctly, the GPA is miscalculated, and courses are not clear in content or level.
A professional transcript will also be needed to obtain a good student discount from your insurance company if your teen will be driving.
We strive to meet a high standard on our transcripts and insist that every transcript we release is as accurate as possible. In order to meet these standards, we must depend on you and your counselor to provide thorough course, grade, and credit information for ninth through twelfth grade. If you have homeschooled throughout this time, all of your information should be on your high-school review form. If your child attended school at any time while in high-school, you will also need to obtain transcripts from that school. Grades and credits can then be combined. Your transcript will reflect any previous transcripts and/or your review forms.
Each year, at your portfolio review, make sure you are providing the correct course name (World History, Economics, etc.); provide the curriculum used (Saxon,BJU); report grades and credit given for each subject. When requesting a transcript, you will need to have all of the information completed on the form. Your counselor will send the completed review form to the Transcript Coordinator.
To request a transcript, you will need to complete the Transcript Request form and confirm with your counselor that the fully completed High-School Transcript Form has been sent.
Transcripts normally take seven to ten days to prepare; sometimes sooner, but sometimes a bit longer, depending on the time of year and volume of requests.
Any transcripts requested for delivery after the 7 day period are at no cost. Please refer to Transcript Time and Fee Schedule for additional information.
PLEASE NOTE: In the past, most colleges would not accept an email copy of a transcript. Colleges like transcripts that are signed and sealed. Please plan to request your transcript in enough time to avoid the 'rush' fee. But, many colleges have changed their policies about this due to Covid during the past two years. So, we will email the transcript if that is acceptable to the college, because it will arrive sooner.